Apr 20, 2010

Sectionals this Weekend

This is what Georgia and South Carolina look like if it was one state. The new state looks like a sting ray or a bird with its wings out.

This weekend is the Georgia/South Carolina Sectionals at the UGA intramural fields. If the weather gets rainy, we will be going to Sandy Creek. This will be an exciting weekend because we get a lot of players back from injury (that weren't allowed to play in the past until they healed fully). Also, the level of competition at the Sectionals will be higher than the previous two years. Come on out to the IM fields this weekend to support us.

For our seniors, this will be their last home tournament ever. Our seniors include captains Peter Dempsey and Robert Herrig, who have been a constant source of motivation this year. Other seniors include old man David Benkeser, even older man Taylor Nilan, sneaky, sneaky Davis Waller, D Graham, and the human squid, Andrew Mistretta.

Here's a link to the Sectionals tournament this weekend to see all the teams that will be in Athens, GA.

Here's our schedule for Saturday :

5 PM - Emory