Mar 30, 2010

Easterns Recap

Easterns in Wilmington, NC this past weekend. Unfortunately, the theme of the weekend was double game point. For a good read, you can read our updates (tweets) from our Twitter site: Click here.


Virginia - Lost on double game point. There were about a zillion turnovers from both teams. Unobserved. Click here for a detailed write up by Michael Aguilar.

Delaware - Delaware had about 12 people on their team. Sean Keagan threw some nasty upwind hucks. We stopped playing after we went up early and had to beat them on double game point.

Cornell - We went up 6-1. We took half 8-6. We lost on double game point. Click here for a detailed write up by Michael Aguilar.

JMU - We won, not on double game point. Caleb Edwards learned to lay out, and boy was it pretty. Rookie Javid Aceil throws the game winner.


UNC-W - We won, on double game point. Click here for a detailed write up by Michael Aguilar. Below is a picture of UNC W before the game.

Pittsburgh - We lost, by a huge amount. These guys played hard, and we looked tired. Click here for a detailed write up by Michael Aguilar.