Mar 26, 2010

Easterns This Weekend

Jojah is traveling 6.5 hours to Wilmington, North Carolina to play at the 2010 College Easterns Tournament. This is our last tournament before we start the Series (which start in Athens, GA on April 24th). Easterns will have teams from all over including California, Ohio, Kansas, etc.

Here is our pool play on Saturday :

Round 3 : Cornell Buds

2 of the 3 teams have beat us this year (Cornell and Delaware). We haven't played Virginia yet. We are hoping the Cornell team is still hung over/tired from their NCAA basketball game last night with Kentucky.

This tournament will be covered by Michael Aguilar, writer of the ultimate blog Movin' On Up. Speaking of Aguilar, he wrote a great piece on Jojah's defensive captain, Peter Dempsey. Click here to read the story.

I don't know if we will be keeping stats this weekend, but I DO know that we will be updating our Twitter feed. Follow us here.